Welcome to My Site

I am an Artist.
A person whose life's purpose is the commitment to curiosity, self-expression, and the pursuit of the creative process.
Meaning, for me, is connection. Contemplation is paramount to my life and my work. A large part of my devotion to and love of creativity and contemplation is that it is the grounding for the space between the thoughts. The unexpected, yet profound, moments of peace that gleam in my mind like open windows.

I am an artist whose work is rooted in a curiosity for the space between the lines. My work is in correspondence with the unspoken, often investigating the point of transmission between 'source' and creation. I apply a minimal aesthetic that allows space for the tender and subtle to be interpreted. Repetitive ritual actions and mark-making enable me to access the flow state while I explore the nuance between repetition losing and amplifying meaning. Story telling, notation and investigation into communication forms are themed regularly in my work.
I typically establish a connection and maintain contact with the landscape through my work. I gather botanicals, ochre, clay, and chalk to make pigments to paint with or for sculptural use, and these steps are crucial to the final outcome. When I'm creating, I enjoy the tactile sensation of stone, dirt, and plants in my hands very much. This intimate process allows me to truly immerse myself in the natural world and translate it onto my canvas. By using materials directly from the landscape, I feel a deeper connection to the environment and a sense of reciprocity with the earth, whilst honouring and paying respect to to the land that provides me with insight and inspiration.
I can be found weaving outside, amongst nature but almost always paint in my studio. My time with the landscape is a valued opportunity for peace, stillness, observation, exploration, connection, immersion, and assimilation. I return to my studio to begin working, relying on my subconscious and 'feeling memory' to translate the appropriate dialogue onto canvas at the precise time of creation. I convey my experiences with nature and the lands soul through my unique gestural language, which I have honed over many years.